Alma TED™ Hair Restoration

What is Alma TED?

Alma’s new, cutting-edge hair restoration platform, Alma TED, is an innovative hair restoration technology that combines with Alma’s proprietary Hair Care Formula™ to stimulate growth, strengthen hair follicles, and improve blood flow to the scalp. These factors together can also help slow hair loss and improve the health of the scalp.

Alma TED is an ultrasound-based system that utilizes acoustic sound waves and high-frequency vibration. These sound waves loosen up your scalp to allow deep penetration of the nutritional Hair Care Formula. This formula contains essential, natural, non-pharmaceutical ingredients to support optimal hair growth, scalp health, and follicular strength.

Hair loss is a sensitive subject among men and women of all ages. It’s perhaps no surprise that TED has become our Institute’s most popular Alma procedure.

Hair is symbolic of beauty and youth, and the loss of it can cause a lack of self-confidence. Previously, minimally invasive technologies and treatments offered very few real results. But Alma TED is transforming the hair restoration industry. Let us help it transform your hair today.

Before and After Photos

What should I expect with TED?

Alma TED is a 30-45 minute treatment performed at our office. During your initial consultation, our staff will asses your scalp and personalize the treatment plan for you. Optimally, clients receive a total of 3 treatments spaced about 1 month apart.

You will notice improvements as early as one month following your first treatment and those results are expected to continue well after your final treatment.

Is the treatment painful?

No, the treatment is not painful. Patients will feel a warm sensation in the treated area and feel the vibration from the ultrasonic tip of the TED wand, but there is no pain involved, no needles, no discomfort, and no trauma to the scalp.

Am I a good candidate for Alma TED?

TED was developed to be used on any individual who suffers from hair loss or wants to improve the overall thickness and appearance of their hair. TED is best for patients with thinning hair or bald spots and there is no expectation of re-growth hair in dead areas of the scalp. We have seen results from TED in all our patients, but those results will vary depending on your unique situation and health status.

Patients will be evaluated and instructed on their suitability for success with TED before their first appointment.


How much does TED cost?

Contact us today for current pricing. We allow patients to pay for all sessions at once, or to pay per session if that is more convenient.

With results that can last years, Alma TED remains highly competitive with other more invasive surgical options. And because there are no risks of side affects or drug interactions, Alma Duo provides superior results compared to pharmaceutical options.